
Tomas Tranströmer (1931–2015), winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, is the Sweden’s most acclaimed poet. His published work is known around the world for its sharp imagery, startling metaphors, and deceptively simple diction. His poems offer tantalizing glimpses into the deepest facets of humanity, often straight through the lens of the natural world.

Bright Scythe


These faithful new translations by Patty Crane, presented side-by-side with Tranströmer’s original Swedish, are tautly rendered and elegantly cadenced. Crane’s translations are intimately informed by her personal relationship with the poet and his wife during the years Crane lived in Sweden, allowing her greater insight into the nuances of his writing and, crucially, Tomas himself. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program where Amazon will pay us a commission for linking to products on and affiliated sites.